Container Garden Update - Harvesting Sweet Potato

Welcome to another container garden update! I know it's been a while since my last garden update... I always plan things but then realise I also have five kids and a part-time job. The garden has not been neglected though and I spent this past Sunday digging around the beds in search of a single sweet potato. I have had my eye on one I could see above the soil for some time, and I decided it looked big enough to eat at last. To my surprise, it was much harder to pull up than I expected. Impossible, even. Until I discovered it was actually buried under about FIVE other sweet potatoes and I ended up having to pull them ALL up to get the one I wanted out.

This is the first sweet potato I pulled up

I was truly surprised they even grew at all. This actually came from a sweet potato I had in the cupboard that wanted to grow itself. So I stuck it in the bed and left it alone, and it has done marvellously there. Make sure you check out the video to see the whole process of harvesting the sweet potatoes. It's a slightly different video from my usual ones. There is talking... But if you find my excitement over sweet potatoes annoying you're welcome to turn your volume down. I won't mind.

Sweet Potato... Or tasty grenade?

 The original "seed potato" was planted almost a year ago, but it had a lot of complications during its early growth phases which prevented it from producing anything at all. Now, we seem to have an abundance of sweet potatoes and I don't even mind at all! Most of the summer veggies are producing fantastically, but a couple are struggling and I will maybe make a post about those soon. I am just preparing soil now to start my winter planting in the next week or two. Some of the locals I chat to about their homegrown veggies are also starting seeds now while the soil is still warm. They have been doing this longer than I have so I trust their advice.

The first-ever sweet potato harvest from the container garden

Check out my YouTube video of harvesting the sweet potatoes below! Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for notifications when I upload. (check back soon if the video isn't ready yet)

You can probably expect a few "Garden to Table" recipes featuring sweet potato over the next few weeks as I work my way through the pile I already harvested and then the rest of the ones still in the bed. I absolutely love them in sweet and savoury dishes so I'm really looking forward to sharing some of my recipes with you. And I absolutely love that I have my own fresh, in season, free produce section right outside my back door. I will try to post more updates, as time allows. I just hope you're enjoying them!

This is the one I had my eye on! I can't believe how BIG it is!

Right, that's enough from me, for now. Make sure you click subscribe at the top of the page to get notified when I post and follow along with my garden and cooking and other adventures!
